Sunday, October 14, 2007

Last Package and Last Letter to Iraq!

Well, today I made the trip to the big post office. I took a box of goodies, I know will not come close to any care packages sent by anyone else. I guess I just have no sense of what they need on the front line. I sent Halloween suckers, and funny eggs with jelly beans, I am told these are not suppose to melt. I also sent pens, black, blue and colors. I sent some paper pads. Seems they need and like pens and paper. Then I sent myself, as a little bear with the MOM word, I also sent His DAD, and picked out
a Irish Bear as His Brother and found a Cat to go as the family Pet - Ms Patches, who is under my feet at the computer right now.
Oh yeah! I sent Pez and a letter.

My son is on his way home in about three weeks. God Speed us all Home.

(( Circle of Hugs ))