Saturday, June 2, 2007

Packages and Artwork

Well, I am headed to the store for groceries and to drop off the second package to my son in Iraq. His Father is retiring this month. Unfortunately, neither of His sons are able to be at the Celebration. No, I had nothing to do the WORK stating RETIREMENT PARTIES OF PARENTS are not essential events in one's life. It is awful, I was fully expecting both of His sons to be with Him on this Grand occassion.

I will not be able to retire. But I never planned too! I am an artist! I will be painting and drawing. I have already given to everyone else all that I can. Now, it is my turn to live. To have the Pursuit of Happiness. To succeed with My Art and Talent.

((( Circle of June Hugs )))

Friday, June 1, 2007

First Package to Iraq

Well, I am finally accepting that My Son, is in Iraq. I have been very upset for months. He loves the Army. But the Politicians are ruining their lives. There can be no doubt, We are allowing Politicians to cause all sort of problems for our military personnel.
I sent him some Hot Wheels Pens. I hope He likes them. I also sent Him a Sketch from My bus and T sketches with a note.
I have another package ready for tomorrow. I love Him so much and respect Him. I decorated the package with Star Wars Stamps. Now for the Letters to start. One everyday ------- My Love Mommie

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Memorial Day Is a Milestone

I am painting and drawing. I am being my own artist on a mission. I have found a group that shares ideas and show their work together. How I have longed for such a group. Not even a big one. Artist need to talk and share and show together to grow. So, I am watching their coalition and kind of following along on the outside.

It is so great that they found each other and work towards their goals.
Well, I will be my own Group of Artist.